
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Song Crushes...

Every so often, I hear a new song and I cannot for the life of me get it out of my head.  This usually drives my wife crazy, which makes the purchase of headphones more worthwhile.

Image courtesy of

Today's culprit comes courtesy of a friend who recently shared a few glimpses of the show 'Portlandia' over this past weekend.  While I have enjoyed a number of sketches and segments from the show, the theme from the show lodged itself into my brain and has made itself rather comfortable in my auditory cortex.  It seems a rather fitting song to accompany the fast-approaching end of summer.  Enjoy!


~Mr. T

Back to school...

I suppose there's no time like the present to get back into the swing of things.  After a hard-earned, and well deserved break for staff and students alike, the unforgiving tones of my alarm clock (eventually) manged to chase the sleep from my eyes and begin my day.  And yet... in spite of these so-called challenges, I was excited to arrive at CHHS and see so many students for Junior High Activation.

I spent most of the day in my classroom, trying to erase signs of the move I had put off for far too long.  Old desks were removed, new ones arrived, flags were hung... all in all, not a bad day.  And I am very excited for the opportunity to work with my new students to make that space our own.

Most of the day was spent thinking about how I would approach the new course-load given to me this semester.  More importantly, I thought a lot about how I can use space like that found on this blog to better showcase what's going on in our day-to-day activities.  For now, I'm going to focus on three main goals:

1.  Regular review of learning objectives and activities
2.  Showcasing of student materials and activities
3.  Sharing of matters of interest for students, parents, and anyone else who may happen upon this humble blog.

I'll try to keep option 3 minimal and focus more directly on the first two.  After all, that's what will likely be bringing you here.  Not to hear me ramble on about this and that... at least not too much.

More information on how this blog can/will be used will be forthcoming.


~Mr. T