Time in my schedule has opened up enough that I can start sharing a bit more about what the classes are up to these days. It's been far too long. Again.
Yesterday, the class was inspired by a story making the rounds about a teacher who asked his students to write a letter to their future selves. This isn't something entirely new in and of itself, but what makes the story so neat is that he has been able to track down most of his students and actually return the letters 20 years later.
We spent a good portion of the class establishing criteria for what will be a pioneering effort for me: I will collect similar letters and return them to the students in 15 years. This means that if all goes according to plan, they will receive these notes in 2029. Geronimo!
One reason for the post is to make this public to help me keep my word. The other, as implied above, is that I need to get back into this habit.
More to come.
~Mr. T