Hobbies are something I don't always feel that I have the luxury to think about. The demands of career, family, and other commitments often leave me feeling like I don't always have the time to invest in the distractions that I have regularly enjoyed in the past. Occasionally, though, even with piles of marking to be done, there is a need to remove myself from what needs to be done and have some fun.
For years, despite the most well-intentioned efforts of an athletic father, I developed a passion for playing video games. I would read about them in magazines (you know... before the Internet), and get together with friends to talk about and enjoy them. My first foray into the world of gaming began after a family trip to Great Falls where my parents purchased the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Behold the 8-bit glory that was the essence of gaming for many children of the 1980s. It won't be surprising to those of us who grew up during this time that most parents referred to all gaming as 'playing Nintendo.' Whatever it was called, I quickly came to love it, although most games I had back then remained unbeaten... I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I have not yet beat the original Super Mario Brothers. I've found other digital successes, though, and this was before the era of excessive achievement sharing.
While I don't game as much as I used to, which is something that my good wife is most appreciative of, I do get to play with my kids now. To be able to race together on Mario Kart or crush one-another in Smash Brothers has been a incredible joy. Contrary to what some critics have maintained about the hobby, it can be quite social when the right efforts are made.
Until next time.