
Monday, 4 February 2013

The End is in Sight!

I just combed through the digital mountain of emails gracing my mailbox (I feel so powerful and popular... but mostly powerful) and here are the most up-to-date results as of 7:53 pm:

Social 10-1 Period 1:  8/23 emails  ( 35% completion )
Social 10-1 Period 2:  22/23 emails  ( 96% completion... oh so close!.. )
Social 10-1 Period 4:  23/25 emails  ( 92% completion )
Social 9 Period 5:  10/30 emails  ( 33% completion )

While it is true that Periods 2 and 4 were taken to the lab, there is little else stopping the other classes from completing the task assigned to them this past Friday.  You have to ask yourself... who wants deep-fried glazed carbohydrates more?


~Mr. T

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